Friday, May 14, 2010

Mid-May Missive

May has brought the garden into wonderful, colorful, life.

In the shade, the curcuma zedoaria are not only lifting their burgundy striped leaves but, for the first time in this garden, they are blooming.

This lovely groundcover is also blooming in the shade.
Last fall an impulse purchase of Golden Globes, Lysimachia procumbens, was made from the reduced price rack at a local big box store. It didn't do much, certainly didn't bloom at all, but it did live through the cold weather. In my opinion that is worth a lot in a plant. Well, look at Golden Globes now!

On the sunny side of My Garden Path the zinnias are popping with color.  The Gulf Frits are loving them.

Another sun-lover, Rosa 'red cascade', is putting on a fresh flush of its perfect miniature rose blooms.

Is it possible that just a few short months ago I was whining about a brown-out in the garden?  I am so glad that I am now keeping this photo record.  Maybe next year I can bear what  winter brings with the patience born of knowledge.  Knowledge that there are plants in my garden that WILL return in spring, knowledge that spring WILL arrive eventually, is what I hope to remember.


  1. Great fritillary shot! (I need to get out there with my camera in the heat of the day!) Love that 'Red Cascade'--I don't know that rose. Is it a tough one for Florida? I'm very jealous of your curcumas! I've grown them for years, and I've never seen them bloom in May. It's usually late June or July in my garden. Love that burgundy color! That would be so pretty next to ti plants, I think.

  2. Oh, NanaK, your garden looks so lovely and vivid with all those colors! This is my first time to see curcuma zedoaria, love it! Now I need to keep an eye on this one :)

    That Golden Globes is cute, and I can imagine it adds lots of color in the shade area. It took some imagination when we buy a new plant when it is not blooming... but it also adds some excitment when waiting for what could happen.

    Love your 'red cascade' too, pretty! Good contrast of the red on those green leaves. Glad the spring or the summer is here, so we all can have a feast for eyes from our own garden and our fellow bloggers' gardens :)

    Have a good weekend!

  3. Hi Kay...Winter is quickly becoming a distant memory...yeah! You've got some great blooming plants. That golden globe is a keeper. I love many beautiful colors and flower shapes. Enjoy!

  4. I also like the Zinnea flowers. There was just an article in the paper here stating they are one thing to forget about growing in South Florida. I keep trying with variable success. The bugs here love to eat the leaves but the Zinnea flowers are worth the effort to me. Yours look really good with no holes in the leaves. Is that how they are sposed to look? :]

  5. Floridagirl - I've been practicing with my camera:) The birds are still elusive but I'm going to catch them yet! The 'red cascade' is a pass-along, own root climbing rose with clusters of miniature blooms. It grows like mad in the spring and blooms off and on all summer.

    Ami - I've had that curcuma for about 4 years, ever since I started gardening in earnest. It has lovely large leaves with that burgundy stripe in the mid-rib but it never had bloomed before this year. It disappears sometime in the fall and then reappears usually Aprilish for me but, since it is blooming, I'm fine with it being a month behind schedule!

    Susan - I'm going to try some cuttings from the Golden Globes to spread in some other places. Zinnias are definitely a favortie of mine because they bring the butterflies and hummingbirds to my garden and are so easy to sow seed and grow.

    sanddune - My zinnias have plenty of holes in the leaves. They get really raggedy at the bottom of the plants. When I plant the seeds I don't thin them like they say to do and that helps hide the ugliness I think. Also, I cut them at least once a week which helps them bloom more and get bushier. I just scatter seed all summer so there are always fresh ones. They love the heat here. Any old ones that are too ugly I just pull out. Try them again!

  6. NanaK, Zinnias are my new favorite annual, I love all the colors they come in. Golden Globe will be a great ground cover for you. Rosa 'red cascade' Where did you find this cute rose? Janis

  7. Janis - I got the rose from a friend many years ago but wasn't into gardening then and neglected it. It just kept growing anyway. I think I'll start some cuttings so I can pass this along too. Interested?


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